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Our Work
Toward a Sustainable Agriculture
Table of Contents
Module I Introduction
Module I Section A: What makes agriculture sustainable?
Module I Section B: The Big Picture: Systems
Module I Section C: Sustainability in Action: Case Studies
Module I Section D: Reflecting and Creating
Module I Activities
Module I Resources
Module I Evaluation
Module I Content Standards
Module II Field Crops
Module II Section A
Module II Section A Activities
Module II Section B: Real People, Real Farms – Case Studies
Module II Section B: Real People, Real Farms – Case Studies
Module II Section B Activities
Module II Section C Field Crops in the Agro-ecosystem
Module II Section C draft
Module II Section C Activities
Module II Section D The Economics of Field Crop Production
Module II Section D Activities
Module II Section E GMOs
Module II Section E Activities
Module II Evaluation
Module II Content Standards
Module III Fur, Feathers, and Fins – Animals in our food
Module IV Apples, Beets, and Zinnias: Sustainable Horticulture
Module IV Section A Fruits and Vegetables in the Food System
Module IV Section A Fruits and Vegetables in the Food System
Module IV Section A Activities
Module IV Section B Case Studies
Module IV Section B Activities
Module IV Section C Horticulture Crops in the agro-ecosystem
Module IV Section C Fruits and Vegetables
Module IV Section C Water Filtration Rings
Module IV Section C Activities
Module IV Section D The Economics of Horticultural Production
Module IV Section D Activities
Module IV Section E Slow Food – A Different Path
Module IV Section E Activities
Module IV Standards
Module V: A Growing Market: Organic Agriculture
Module V Section A: What is Organic Agriculture?
Module V Section A Activities
Module V Section B: Real People, Real Farms: Case studies of organic agriculture
Module V Section B Activities
Module V Section C: Organic Agriculture in the Agroecoystem
Module V Section C Activities
Module V Section D: The Economics of Organic Agriculture
Module V Section D Activities
Module V Section E: Beyond Organic?
Module V Section E Activities
Module V Evaluation
Module V Standards
Module VI: Urban Agriculture
Module VI Section A: What is Urban Agriculture?
Module VI Section A Activities
Module VI Section B: Real People, Real Farms – Case Studies of Urban Agriculture
Module VI Section B Activity
Module VI Section C: Urban Agriculture in the Agroecosystem
Module VI Section C Activity
Wisconsin Apple Crunch Resources!
Indiana Apple Crunch Resources!
Illinois Apple Crunch Resources!
Minnesota Apple Crunch Resources!
Ohio Apple Crunch Resources!
Michigan Apple Crunch Resources!
Wisconsin Terminal Market
Wisconsin Cover Crop and Conservation Conversations Webinar Series, 2021
Citizens Advisory Council
Our Work
Farming Systems
Farm and Food System Labor
Labor and Domestic Fair Trade for Agriculture of the Middle
The Social Implications of Management Intensive Grazing: A Bibliography
Organic Agriculture
Cover Crops
CCROP Gallery
Soil Health
Farm Viability
The Heifer Grazing Compass
Veggie Compass
Fruit & Nut Compass
The Beef Grazing Compass
Livestock Compass
Hemp Compass
Pasture-Based Beef Enterprise Calculator
Perennial Food Crops
Food Systems
Farm to institution
Farm to School Toolkits
Chop! Chop! Culinary Skills for Wisconsin-Grown Produce in School Meals
Food Transportation
Workshop: Freight innovations to optimize regional food resiliency
Networking across the supply chain
Regional Food Freight – Lessons from the Chicago region
Food supply chains
Filling the Truck: Coordinating Small Supply Chains for Last Mile Efficiencies
Collaboration with CFIRE engineers
Transportation Networks, Food Distribution and Accessibility
Dairy Growth Management
Local and Regional Food Systems
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Studies
Growing the use of small grains in the Upper Midwest
Learning About Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
Organic pasture management and soil health training
Our events
Join the 2023 Great Apple Crunch!
Join the Wisconsin Chili Lunch
Indigenous Research Forum
CIAS history
Our Work
Iowa Apple Crunch Resources!
Coming into the Foodshed
Organic Agriculture Research Symposium (OARS)
The History of Organic
Organic Farming Conference
Pasture management and soil health
Apple to Glass
Global Dairy Trends Apr 2020
Participatory Action Research
Systems Research
Developing high-quality cereals for organic and perennial systems in the Upper Midwest
Stockpiling Pastures to Extend the Fall Grazing Season
Soil Health and Managed Grazing
Summer Research Mini-Grant Program
Transportation Issues Affecting Fresh Food Distribution: A Comparison Study of Rural vs. Urban America
Food Sovereignty
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2022 – Baker, Bird, Henegan, Melone, Ncwadi, Schauer, Harnsberger, Wilson
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2019 – Bembeneck, Blandt, Campbell, Favre, Isidore, Ugoretz, Karwowski, Landis, McIntosh, Schindler, Wypler
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2018 – Decre, Dirks, Kazer, Le, Leslie, Lierl, Lowe, McCluskey, Serrano
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2017 – Bugel, Cotton, Dower, Eisner, Grace, Hemberger, Jessee, Lanker, Mino, Pfeiffer, Potter-Weight, Reynolds, Schreiber, Steussy-Williams, Suerth, Wang
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2016 – Chavez, Dundore, Geiger, Hanson, Imhoff, Kniffin, Krishnan, Nardi, Nolden, Richards, Santiago-Avila, Wilson
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2015 – Anderson, Berezowitz, Freidrich, Galleguillo, Keeley, Morgul, Peterson, Raynor, Stevens, Ugoretz
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2014 – Amante, Geiger, Healy, Hemberger, Perng, Selen, Shelton, Sommerkamp, Stull, Warsaw, Zhang
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2013 -Berezowitz, Conaway, Gurda, Hartley, Nolden, Pelton, Ross, Schatzberg
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2020 – Becker, Cartoni, Crider, Geygan, Hayden, Keeve, Massman, Rice
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2021 -Carvallo, De Marsh, Fochesatto, Iuliano, Janes-Ugoretz, Rana, Reynolds, , Winkler-Schor
Apples to Apples
Farm to Community Wellness: Networking Local Food Supply Chains
Tribal Elder Food Box Program
Positioning Regional Food Supply Chains for Future Pandemics, Natural Disasters and Human-made Crises
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2023 – Canfield, Gobster, Huff, Lawler, Lebowitz, Lee,Pessereau, Schoenberger, Somer, Yang, Yi
All News
Grant Opportunities
Summer Research Minigrant Program | 2024 – Amon, Fisher, Glynn, Hrycyna, Judd, Lewis, Lu, Oker, Robbins, Shoenberger, Terris
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Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Logo Image
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Our Work
Collaborative Research on Sustainability
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