Category: Farm/Labor Management
Posted on March 1, 1999
Managing a CSA farm 2: community, economics, marketing and training (Research Brief #41)
Community supported agriculture (CSA) farmers need communication and management skills to meet a variety of challenges in building a community of members, balancing income and […]
Posted on October 1, 1996
Community supported agriculture: growing food…and community (Research Brief #21)
Unlike conventional agriculture, in which farmers bear the risks of weather, pests, and the marketplace alone, in community supported agriculture the entire community shares both […]
Posted on January 1, 1994
Radially Organized Teams
Radially organized research teams can bring together researchers, farmers, consumers and policy makers to do systems level work. A small hub manages the team, with […]
Posted on February 1, 1993
Making a shepherd’s life easier: how to handle a 300-ewe flock without a lot of help (Research Brief #9)
There are ways to manage a 300-ewe flock without a lot of hired help or expensive choring equipment.