Wheat Red Clover
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In-House Library

In-house multimedia on research from faculty and staff connected to CIAS are available here. With an emphasis on integration, CIAS faculty and staff addresses complex environmental, economic and social challenges through long-term research that transcends typical grant cycles.

We apply multidisciplinary, participatory, systems-oriented approaches to address emerging challenges in production agriculture and food systems. CIAS’ model of inquiry welcomes research that is basic or applied; occurs in the field or lab; and may be short- or long-term. We convene collaborative research teams that integrate the biological and social sciences, and humanities, into research characterized by rigorous experimental design, hypothesis testing, analysis and synthesis. Results are strategically communicated through both peer-reviewed publications and outreach to farmers, consultants and other practitioners. This approach closely links our research activities, research outcomes and outreach activities.



Videos: YouTube channel @UWMadisonCIAS

Austin Frerick on his 2024 book Barons: Money, Power and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry

Agroecology Summit Compilation Video

Planning Democracy: Agrarian Intellectuals and the Intended New Deal with Jess Gilbert, Emeritus, UW Department of Community and Environmental Sociology


“Spreadsheets on the Radio” – Farm Viability and the Fruit & Nut Compass with John Hendrickson

Livestream link:  www.YouTube.com/channel/UCflHvx7gZpaPueISfGKR3-Q/live

Webinars and podcasts with other hosts:

KnowFOOD, “Smart Foodsheds” Webinar. (2023) https://cias.wisc.edu/news/smart-foodsheds-webinar/

Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg by Food Tank, “Ensuring equitable access to food supply chain data” Podcast. (2022). https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/303-michelle-miller-talks-about-ensuring-equitable/id1434128568?i=1000550652250

Univ of Wisconsin Department of Horticulture “Structural Racism in the U.S. Agricultural System”. “Wisconsin Agricultural History Through the lens of Immigrant Farmers at the Turn of the Last Century (1890-1930)” Webinar. (2022).  https://global.cals.wisc.edu/webinars-for-hort375-structural-racism-in-the-u-s-agricultural-system-open-to-the-public/

Food + Tech Panel Discussion: Broadband Expansion in Rural Communities. Webinar. (2021). The Power of Connectivity: Broadband Expansion in Rural Communities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZP5IEEBrcQ

Food Systems, Disruptions and Resilience. University Place on Wisconsin Public Television. October 1, 2020. https://pbswisconsin.org/watch/university-place/food-systems-disruptions-and-resilience-3t4ld4/

Food and the Wisconsin Idea, “The Systems that Feed Us and What It Will Take to Change Them” Kate Clancy and Michelle Miller. Webinar. (2019). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yVx9OqKTcA&list=PL7_9KimO-uqo5M4nI6EOcsojUt8t1nBiR

Talking Freight: Food Deserts and the Logistics of Urban Food Transportation. “Market Access and Food Access: Two sides of the same coin”. Webinar. (2019). https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/freight_planning/talking_freight/april_2019/

SARE Our Farms, Our Future. Scaling Up Local Foods – Systems Thinking. Video. (2018). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQfixQOpevY&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zrmTzQFH-FUThnEMqOphSS6&index=16&t=326s

NCR SARE Comparing Apples to Apples: Apples for Artisan Cider. Webinar. (2018). https://northcentral.sare.org/news/comparing-apples-to-apples-participatory-research-for-artisanal-cider-producers/

How Great Cities Are Fed: Transportation. Podcast. (2015). https://heritageradionetwork.org/episode/transportation


Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2021 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2017 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2014 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2012 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2009 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2007 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2005 Status Report

Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2003 Status Report

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2020. Innovations in the Food System: Exploring the Future of Food: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Section on food logistics. https://doi.org/10.17226/25523.

Miller, M., Holloway, W., Perry, E., Zietlow, B., Kokjohn, S., Lukszys, P., Chachula, N. Reynolds, A., and Morales, A. (2016). Regional Food Freight: Lessons from the Chicago Region. Project report for USDA-AMS, Transportation Division. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21422.51522 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312213704_Regional_Food_Freight_Lessons_from_the_Chicago_Region

Miller, M. and Lorenz, D. (2015). “Agriculture, transportation and climate change: Considering the future of agricultural freight transport in the Upper Mississippi River Valley” November 2015 on-line http://www.cias.wisc.edu/atcc/

Miller, M., Day-Farnsworth, L. and Denicoff, M. (2015). Regional Food Logistics: a Stakeholder Process to Inform the Multi-system Redesign for Sustainability. Conference proceedings National Transportation Research Forum, March 2015. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291335769_Regional_Food_Logistics_Multi-system_Redesign_for_Sustainability#fullTextFileContent

+Peer reviewed articles, chapters, books


Claire Lamine, Eric Sabourin, Fabienne Barataud, Tara Wight, Terry Marsden, Paulo Niederle, Claudia Schmitt, Adanella Rossi, Patrizia Pugliese, Sarah Lloyd, Michelle Miller, Danièle Magda (2023) “Supporting agroecological transitions in food systems: insights from a comparison of agrifood policies’ trajectories in 5 countries”, Agricultura

Staples, A.J., Howard, P.H., Connor, D.S., Sirrine, J.R., Ostrom, M.R., Miller, M. (2023) “Apples to Advocacy: Evaluating Consumer Preferences for Hard Cider Policies”, Journal of Wine Economics. DOI: 10.1017/jwe.2023.29 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-wine-economics/article/apples-to-advocacy-evaluating-consumer-preferences-for-hard-cider-policies/F9FC0BDB6A89C2506F52281118C6A389

Miller, M., 2023.  Invited chapter. “Foodsheds and Regional Food Systems”, in Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, 2nd edition. Section Editors: Marta Panero & Ziqian Dong

Peterson, H.H., DiGiacomo, G., Court, C.D., Miller, M., Oliveira, G., Stevens, A.W., Zhang, L., Baker, L., Nowak, J., Orland, E., Saha, B.B. (2023). “Impacts of COVID-19 on US agri-food supply chain businesses: Regional survey results”. PLOSONE 18, 2 February, e0281930. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0281930

Qu, Y, Rao, J., Gao, S., Zhang, W.C., Su, Y., Miller, M., Morales, A., Huber, P. (2023). FLEE-GNN: A Federated Learning System for Edge-Enhanced Graph Neural Network in Analyzing Geospatial Resilience of Multicommodity Food Flows”, ACM SIGSpatial 2023 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3615886.3627742

Tu, Y., Wang, X., Qui, R., Shen, HW, Miller, M., Rao, J., Gao, S., Huber, P., Hollander, A., Lange, M., Garcia, C., Stubbs, J. (2023). “An Interactive Knowledge and Learning Environment in Smart Foodsheds”. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. DOI: 10.1109/MCG.2023.3263960

Court, CD, Outerbridge, D., Baker, L., Birou, L., Campbell, C., DiGiacomo, G., Galindo, S., Lai, J., Magnier, A., Miller, M., Oliveira, GLT., Orlando, E., Peterson, HH., Qiao, X., Roka, F., Ropicki, A., Saha, BB., Stevens, AW., Shang, L. (2023) “Pandemic Production: Impacts of COVID-19 on Florida’s fruit and vegetable industries”. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization. https://doi.org/10.1515/jafio-2022-0025


Rao, J., Gao, S., Miller, M., Morales, A. (2022) “Measuring Network Resilience via Geospatial Knowledge Graph: a Case Study of the US Multi-Commodity Flow Network”. Geospatial Knowledge Graphs (GeoKG) https://geokgsigspatial.github.io/geokg2022/GeoKG2022_papers/GeoKG_2022_paper_9797.pdf

Connor, D.S., Tambet, H., Smith, K.S., Ostrom, M., Sirrine, J.R., Howard, P.H., Miller, M. (2022) “Apple Grower Research and Extension Needs for Craft Cider”. Horticulture Technology. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04827-21

Anderson, M., Hoey, L. Hurst, P., Miller, M., Montenegro, M. (2022) INFAS Commentary: Debrief on the United Nations Food Systems Summit. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2022.112.008


Miller, M. (2021) “Big data, information asymmetry, and food systems”. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.111.017

Miller, M. (2021) “Identifying Critical Thresholds for Resilient Regional Food Flows: A Case Study from the U.S. Upper Midwest.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (2021): 371. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.684159.





Ventura, S. & Bailkey, M. (2017) Good Food, Strong Communities: Promoting Social Justice through Local and Regional Food System. University of Iowa Press.



Lengnick, L., Miller, M. and Marten, G. (2015) “Metropolitan Foodsheds: A Resilient Response to the Climate Change Challenge?” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. November 2015 DOI 10.1007/s13412-015-0349-2 L.



Miller, M., Anderson, M., Francis, C., Kruger, C., Barford, C., Park, J., & McCown, B. (2013). Critical research needs for successful food systems adaptation to climate change. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. http://dx.doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2013.034.016

Francis, C., Miller, M., Anderson, M., Creamer, N., Wander, M., Park, J., Green, T., & McCown, B. (2013). Food webs and food sovereignty: Research agenda for sustainability. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2013.034.010

+Public Comment

Miller, M., Lloyd, S., Long, D., Bell, M., Fochesatto, A., Lowe, E., Enstad, N., Ingram, M. (2022) Comments to USDA regarding docket number AMS-AMS-22.0026 on “Competition in Food Retail and Distribution Markets and Access for Agricultural Producers and Small and Midsized Food Processors”. https://cias.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/194/2022/06/RFI-ConcentrationSigs.pdf

Wattiaux, M., Miller, M., Lloyd, S., Enstad, N., Jackson, R., Rissman, A., Lukszys, P. (2021) Comments to USDA regarding the Executive Order 140147 on “America’s Supply Chains” specifically for the Production of Agricultural Commodities and Food Products. https://cias.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/194/2021/06/USDAsupplychaincomments2021CIAS.pdf

Jackson, R., Miller, M., Porter, P., Day-Farnsworth, L. (2017) “Agriculture can indeed fix our food system – if we reimagine it”. The Washington Post, October 26, 2017.

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Abstract ear of wheat field
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