Category: Farm Viability
Posted on February 1, 2003
Poultry Enterprise Budget
Enterprises like pastured poultry can add to farm income with careful financial planning. CIAS has developed a spreadsheet to help farmers make financial and management […]
Posted on October 1, 2001
Raising poultry on pasture (Research Brief #57)
A common way to raise pastured poultry involves putting 75 to 100 three- to four-week old meat chickens in movable pens during the growing season. These floorless 10′ by 12′ by 2′ pens are moved daily by sliding them along the ground, providing fresh pasture. Chickens also receive a grain-based ration. At 8-14 weeks, the chickens are butchered and sold to consumers or restaurants.
Posted on January 2, 2000
Echineacea as a tobacco crop alternative (Research Brief #48)
Many Wisconsin tobacco farmers are looking for alternative crops following the ongoing reductions in tobacco allotments and tobacco markets. Allotment reductions mean lower production levels […]
Posted on December 2, 1999
Pastured poultry study addresses broad range of issues (Research Brief #46)
Farmers wishing to capitalize on the trend of increased consumption of white meat can consider raising chickens. But for many, a conventional commercial chicken operation’s […]
Posted on September 2, 1999
Cropping systems trial provides unique analysis (Research Brief #43)
Can environmentally beneficial crop rotations also improve farm profitability? A long-term study underway in southern Wisconsin aims to find out. It blends systems research with […]
Posted on March 1, 1999
Managing a CSA farm 2: community, economics, marketing and training (Research Brief #41)
Community supported agriculture (CSA) farmers need communication and management skills to meet a variety of challenges in building a community of members, balancing income and […]
Posted on September 3, 1998
Farm networks work: a CSA success story (Research Brief #32)
What makes a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm successful? Good management and know-how and networking and outreach. Formal research and support for CSA have not […]
Posted on October 1, 1996
Community supported agriculture: growing food…and community (Research Brief #21)
Unlike conventional agriculture, in which farmers bear the risks of weather, pests, and the marketplace alone, in community supported agriculture the entire community shares both […]
Posted on March 1, 1992
Sustainable agriculture: balancing profits and human and natural resources (Research Brief #1)
What is sustainable agriculture, and why is it important? In recent years, many people, both rural and urban residents, have become concerned that the agricultural […]