Call for sustainable agriculture preproposals
SARE Research and Extension 2023 RFP

The USDA’s North Central Region-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) program released its annual call for Research and Education Grant Preproposals, available online at The site includes more information on how to apply, past grants funded, and a link to the on-line application form. NCR-SARE is also offering a zoom session on how to apply for this round of research and education grants on September 8 at 10am CDT. Registration is required.
The deadline for Research and Education Program preproposals is October 13, 2022, at 4pm CDT.
NCR-SARE’s Research and Education (R&E) program supports sustainable agriculture innovators with competitive research and education grants. Individual grants range from $50,000 to $250,000. This highly competitive call funded 17 full proposals in 2022, averaging $237,000. NCR-SARE will again be accepting preproposals for long-term projects.
Several Research and Education projects conducted by CIAS network members are underway: entomologist Christelle Guedot is investigating trap crops in strawberry production to control tarnished plant bug; horticulturalist Rue Genger is researching cover crops and reduced tillage in organic vegetable production to reduce soil erosion from extreme rainfall events; and agronomist Gregg Sanford at WISCT is developing a Soil Organic Carbon Network with farmers.