Farm to School Toolkits 2.0
With the 2014-15 school year right around the corner, CIAS has updated two popular farm to school resources. The Wisconsin Farm to School Toolkits for school nutrition programs and producers can help you create a successful farm to school program in your community.
These interactive toolkits include a wealth of information that will help you plan your farm to school program, source locally grown fruits and vegetables in season, work out purchasing details, estimate quantities, set prices, educate students, market your program and develop strong community partnerships. The 2014 toolkits include updated information on rules, policies and resources for farm to school, and includes new information on topics like Harvest of the Month and evaluating your farm to school program.
You can download the Wisconsin Farm to School Toolkits for school nutrition programs and producers free of charge at
These toolkits are a collaborative effort of CIAS, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Their publication was supported by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.