Food systems centers across the US
Check out the interactive map
Wonder what is happening in agriculture and food systems research at other Universities and Colleges? A new interactive map can connect you. This may be useful in finding others to work with on projects, places to advance your research, or ideas to spur you on.
The database that underlies the map is a work in progress, and we’d love your feedback! Please provide comments and suggestions via this form.
This directory is limited to centers and institutes with a sustainable agriculture and/or food systems emphasis and currently includes only Land Grant (1862, HBCUs and TCUs as defined by USDA) and R1 universities (doctoral universities with very high research activity) in the United States. It is a project of the Organizational Development workgroup, part of a coalition of centers and institutes called INFAS – the Inter-institutional Network for Food, Agriculture and Sustainability. CIAS was a founding member of the Network, serves on the Executive Committee, and leads the Organizational Development Workgroup. The database was conceived and developed by UW Alumna Erin Lowe.