New website: Uncommon Fruit

Want to learn more about fruits like aronia, currants, Saskatoon, and even jostaberries? CIAS worked with Dale Secher of Carandale Farm to create a website detailing Secher’s 10 years of on-farm research on uncommon fruit crops.
Secher shares his observations and knowledge of using fruits in an integrated cropping system that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. This website should be useful for hobbyists, backyard gardeners, nutritionists, environmentalists and commercial fruit growers.
Most of the information provided on this website is based on experiences and observations, supplemented by other literature. The site is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to serve as a repository for additional information provided by other contributors. Each fruit is identified by its scientific and common names followed by a brief summary of cultural information, economic considerations and its potential ecological benefit in an integrated cropping system. This is followed by more detailed information about history, background, observations in the test plot, and a general discussion.
This project was made possible by an Agricultural Development and Diversification grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). This site is hosted by CIAS.
Uncommon Fruit: Observations from Carandale Farm