Positioning Regional Food Supply Chains for Future Pandemics, Natural Disasters and Human-made Crises
Throughout the Pandemic, UW-CIAS partnered with researchers at University of Minnesota, University of Florida, University of California-Irvine and Kansas State University to document lessons from COVID-19 so that we may better position regional food production to respond to future crises. We collected data on supply chain practitioners – farmers, processors, retailers and restaurants – in three US regions to see how COVID-19 affected food system resilience. We then assessed the impact of the COVID-19 on farm and food supply chain operations by understanding consumers’ behavioral response regionally and across the U.S. The team developed resources and strategies for current and future disruptions with supply chain stakeholders and experts, and now offer professional development opportunties for adult educators and practitioners to better understand future disruptions.
There are several ways to learn more.
- Visit the project website
- Read the 2022 Executive Summary
- Take the free asynchronous course on-line
- Read the journal articles (with more to come)
- Hikaru Hanawa Peterson, Gigi DiGiacomo, Lauri Baker, Christa Court, Michelle Miller, Li Zhang,
Gustavo Oliveira, Andrew Stevens, Joseph Nowak, Eyrika Orlando, Bijeta Bijen Saha (accepted) “Impacts of COVID-19 on US food supply chain businesses: Regional survey results”.
PLOS ONE - Court, CD, Outerbridge, D., Baker, L., Birou, L., Campbell, C., DiGiacomo, G., Galindo, S., Lai, J.,
Magnier, A., Miller, M., Oliveira, GLT., Orlando, E., Peterson, HH., Qiao, X., Roka, F., Ropicki, A.,
Saha, BB., Stevens, AW., Shang, L. (accepted) “Pandemic Production: Impacts of
COVID-19 on Florida’s fruit and vegetable industries”. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial
Organization. - Stevens, A., Teal, J. (2023) “Diversification and resilience of firms in the agrifood supply chain“. Journal of Agricultural Economics. DOI 10.1111/ajae.12398
- Hikaru Hanawa Peterson, Gigi DiGiacomo, Lauri Baker, Christa Court, Michelle Miller, Li Zhang,
North Central Region
- Hikaru H. Peterson (Lead PI), University of Minnesota
- Gigi Digiacomo, University of Minnesota
- Cheryl R. Boyer, Kansas State University
- Michelle Miller, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Andrew Stevens, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Lindsey Day Farnsworth, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Southeast Region
- Lauri M. Baker, University of Florida
- Christa Court, University of Florida
- Angie Lindsey, University of Florida
- Anissa Zagonel, University of Florida
Southwest Region
- Gustavo de L. T. Oliveira, University of California-Irvine
- Li Zhang, University of California-Irvine