Summer Research Minigrant Program
2024 - Amon, Fisher, Glynn, Hrycyna, Judd, Lewis, Lu, Oker, Robbins, Shoenberger, Terris
Nolan Amon
Elizabeth Hrycyna
Yu Lu
Emma Terris
Trish Fisher
Tanner Judd
Fletcher Robbins
Lauren Glynn
Christopher Lewis
Erica Shoenberger
A survey of brachyceran fly communities within Wisconsin dairy barns, and their relationship with disease incidence
Student Researcher: Nolan Amon, Bacteriology
Faculty Advisor: Kerri Coon, Bacteriology
Nolan Amon
The Politics of Agricultural Methane in Wisconsin
Student Researcher: Trish Fisher, Community and Environmental Sociology
Faculty Advisor: Nan Enstad, Community and Environmental Sociology
Trish Fisher
Automating Pest Management with Machine Learning
Student Researcher: Lauren Glynn, Entomology
Faculty Advisor: Emily Bick, Entomology
Lauren Glynn
Biological Control of Red-headed Flea Beetle (Systena frontalis) in Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) with Entomopathogenic Nematodes
Student Researcher: Elizabeth Hrycyna, Entomology
Faculty Advisor: Christelle Guedot, Entomology
Elizabeth Hrycyna
A Direct Approach to Measure Cover Crop Nitrogen Uptake from Dairy Manure via 15N Enrichment
Student Researcher: Tanner Judd, Soil Science
Faculty Advisor: Matt Ruark, Soil Science
Tanner Judd
Participatory Approaches to Climate-Resilient Agriculture in the Guatemalan Dry Corridor
Student Researcher: Christopher Lewis, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Faculty Advisor: Claudia Irene Calderon, Horticulture
Christopher Lewis
Sustainable Farmers’ Land Management Practices and Agricultural Financial Programs in the Upper Midwest
Student Researcher: Yu Lu, Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Faculty Advisor: Claudio Gratton, Entomology
Yu Lu
Mapping Corn Rootworm in Fields Over Space and Time
Student Researcher: Helen Oker, Entomology
Faculty Advisor: Emily Bick, Entomology
Helen Oker
Research Proposal: Delivering Effective Pest Scouting Recommendations Based on Insect Circadian Rhythm
Student Researcher: Fletcher Robbins, Entomology
Faculty Advisor: Emily Bick, Entomology
Fletcher Robbins
Sowing Sustainability: Cultivating Kernza Networks for Resilient Agriculture in Wisconsin
Student Researcher: Erica Shoenberger, Entomology
Faculty Advisor: Valentin Picasso, Agronomy
Erica Shoenberger
Characterizing the potential for resistance and cross-resistance to insecticides on Wisconsin organic potato farms
Student Researcher: Emma Terris, Entomology
Faculty Advisor: Russell Groves, Entomology
Emma Terris