INFAS Annual Summit March 3
CIAS is part of a consortium of sustainable agriculture centers around the country. On March 3, academics working in this field will gather to learn from each other. Our annual INFAS summit is for existing and prospective INFAS members and will take place virtually over Zoom.
This INFAS Summit will introduce our new Chair Dr. Brandy Phipps, from Central State University in Ohio. There will be a plenary session on the NextGen grant, led by Dr. Lindsey Lundsford at Tuskegee Institute, with INFAS as a partner institution. Working groups on Research, Education, Justice, Extension, and Organizational Development will give short updates and hear from participants about potential projects.
This is an opportunity to network with faculty, staff and students from across North America working on sustainable agriculture and food systems.
Learn more about INFAS and register for the meeting by visiting our website,