Two people harvesting organic farming
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Farm and Food System Labor

Research, publications, and news on labor issues on farms and throughout the food system.


Building Leadership Skills for Farm Managers

This program builds on extensive research to provide professional development for current and aspiring farm managers to effectively lead work crews on organic vegetable farms.

Building Leadership Skills for Farm Managers
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Farm Labor Dashboard

Good decision-making around the type and amount of labor needed on a farm enhances quality of life and increases the likelihood farmers will successfully meet their financial goals.

In partnership with several other Universities, CIAS is helping build a Farm Labor Dashboard with tools and resources to help small and mid sized fruit and vegetable farms make informed labor decisions and improve their labor management know-how.

Farm Labor Dashboard
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Labor and Domestic Fair Trade for Agriculture of the Middle

This project explored ways agriculture in the US could improve working conditions, wages and social support for agricultural and other food workers.

Labor and Domestic Fair Trade for Agriculture of the Middle

Publications and other resources

More Publications and other resources
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