Organic Agriculture
Research, publications, news, and partner programs surrounding organic agriculture from the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems.
Projects and Collaborations
Organic Transitions
CIAS partnered with the University of MN and others to offer curriculum on transitioning to organic, based on stories from award-winning organic farmers.
Organic Transitions CurriculumOrganic Research Symposium
CIAS cohosted the first research symposium in 2015, and it and subsequent events detailing current research are available online.
Organic Research Symposium
Organic Vegetable Farm Manager Apprenticeship
This federally-certified apprenticeship is for people who want to manage organic vegetable farms. Professional development programs are also offered.
Farm Management ApprenticeshipOrganic Archives
The history of the organic farming movement archives are located at the Wisconsin State Historical Society.
Organic ArchivesOrganic Farming Conference
CIAS is proud to be a founding sponsor of the MOSES Organic Farming Conference.
Organic Farming Conference
Organic Pasture Management
Training videos on pasture management and soil health in organic livestock systems.
Organic Pasture Management
Tools and Training
Organic pasture and soil health training