Perennial Food Crops
CIAS is working with Wisconsin farmers to create more resilient farms with perennial food crops that can be harvested year-after-year. We work on both production and supply chain challenges.
Small Grains
High-value food grade grains can improve the diversity and sustainability of
agricultural systems in the Upper Midwest. Perennial grains such as kernza can provide even more ecosystem benefits.
Winter Wheat and Kernza
Hazelnuts are an emerging new crop for the Upper Midwest with significant economic and environmental benefits. Through research, industry development, and outreach education we are working to realize the vision of our early-adopter growers: to create a sustainable hazelnut industry modeled after the oak savanna and based on our native American hazelnut.
Upper Midwest Hazelnut Development Initiative Hazelnut Story MapApples
Eco Apples

The program encourages on-farm innovation, professional development, participatory research, and civic engagement.

CIAS is working with Wisconsin cider businesses to assess and address the needs and challenges of the state’s burgeoning cider industry.
Uncommon Fruit
Want to learn more about fruits like aronia, currants, saskatoon, and even jostaberries? Information to help hobbyists, backyard gardeners, nutritionists, environmentalists and commercial fruit growers select plants for an integrated cropping system that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Explore Uncommon FruitTools and training
The Fruit & Nut Compass
A forward-looking planning and decision support tool to help you plan a viable perennial crop enterprises and evaluate the investment and eventual returns over a 15 year time horizon.
Apple growers in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa discuss their orchards and their efforts to supply the region with local apples.
Apple Grower Training
A three-day workshop for people wanting to start an orchard business. Understand the business from site selection, land preparation, selecting varieties, maintenance, marketing, sales, management and more.
Stories from the Field: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Park III: Reducing Pesticides in Apple Production
Journal Articles and Books
Extending your business range and reaching new clients with low‐cost communications, Crops and Soils
Progressive planning to address multiple resource concerns: integrated pest management in Wisconsin orchards, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Control of Insects and Mites, 2010. UW Extension Publication no. A3842