Module VI: Urban Agriculture
Module VI: Urban Agriculture
This module is designed to be taught in as little as 5 hours of class time. However, if you take advantage of the student project options and more in-depth activities, the unit will take up to 20 hours of class time. Thus, each section can be presented in one classroom hour, or it can be expanded.
Note this time estimate refers to the full module. Currently Sections A-C are published. Section D is still under development and will be posted at a later date. Career Pathway Content Standards are not yet available.
This module builds on the concepts presented in Module I, “Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture.” If students are not already familiar with the ideas in Module I, teachers should begin by presenting sections A and B of Module I. This material can be presented in 2 classroom hours.
Guiding questions for Module VI:
- What is urban agriculture?
- How does urban agriculture fit into the agroecosystem?
- What aspects of urban agriculture are sustainable? What aspects are not sustainable?
Section A: What is Urban Agriculture?
Section B: Real People, Real Farms – Case Studies
Section C: The Agroecology of Urban Agriculture
Section D: The Economics of Urban Agriculture
Career Pathway Content Standards